So I know this chick (my grandmother) who knows a guy (my uncle) who knows a guy (this dude on his rugby team) who has a house in Dublin he's looking to rent. It's his mom's house; since her death a few months ago it's been empty, and they were looking to rent out the place while her son is in America --- he plans to come back to the Republic in a year or so. Pretty perfect, eh? At least, it has the general out line of perfect --- that one sentence contains as much information as I currently know. You'll note it doesn't include details like location, price, size, availibility, ect.
I'm off to meet what will hopefully prove to be my future landlord right now. Wish me luck. I could use some; I can't find my lipstick anywhere, and as we all know, the use of lipstick telegraphs "Not at all the sort of drunken irresponsible sot who will get behind on her rent and trash you late mother's house."
Posted by Diablevert at June 18, 2004 06:07 PM | TrackBackThanks for signing in, . Now you can comment. (sign out)
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